• 01582 613331

School Uniform Policy

School Uniform Policy

Our uniform policy has changed with effect from 1st September 2021. During the pandemic we allowed children to come into school in their PE kits on PE days. We have found that this has enabled children to spend more time being physically active. Therefore, we are continuing this going forward. However, we would like to standardise our PE kit and from September 2021 this will be as detailed below. Although we have introduced a new black PE sweatshirt with logo, pupils will now not need as many red school jumpers/cardigans. The other change is the white PE t-shirt which will now be a red polo shirt. These can be bought from any high street shop or we will sell red ones with logos on them from reception.

Children will wear school uniform on the 3 days of the week when they do not have PE. On the days that they have PE (they will be advised this at the start of term) children will wear the school’s PE kit to school.

Pupils going into Yr 3 should wear the new uniform with effect from 1st September 2021.

Pupils going into Yr 4 & 5 should buy the new black PE sweatshirt and red polo shirt only when they are replacing previous items of uniform.

Pay For Uniform

Our school uniform colour is a combination of red and grey or black. Most items can be bought from High Street shops. Items marked with a * below, have the school logo on and must be brought in school. Please speak to our office staff for details of prices.
Trousers, shorts, skirts Black or Grey
Polo shirt, shirt, blouse White
School Jumper, Cardigan (with logo)* must be brought in school Red
Shoes (no trainers) Black
Socks Plain black, grey or white
Headscarves Plain black, red or white
Please note skirts should be an appropriate length and of a style which allows girls to sit comfortably on the floor. Jeans and leggings are not permitted as part of the uniform.
Children wear their PE uniform to school twice a week. They will be advised of the days that they have PE. All school uniform and P.E. kit MUST be named.
Shorts Black
Polo shirt (school logo optional) must be brought in school Red
Sweatshirt (with logo)* must be brought in school Black
Jogging bottoms  Black
Trainers (outdoor PE) Black Plimsolls (indoor PE) Black or White
For health and safety reasons children are not permitted to wear earrings for PE. Your child’s teacher will advise you when PE lessons take place so that earrings can be removed.
Headscarves must be removed for all PE lessons.

The process for ordering uniform is as follows:

  • Via the ‘schoolmoney’ website and place your order in the shop. This will then be delivered to your child’s classroom.
  • Uniform can be purchased from reception but please note that only 2 people are allowed in the reception area at any one time.
  • Uniform purchased can be tried on at home and should it not fit can be exchanged as long as it has not been washed or labelled.
  • Yr 3 pupils (SEPT 2021) please follow the instructions for ordering emailed to you and given in your inductions

Second-hand Uniform

We will hold termly sales of second-hand uniform. Parents will be notified in advance via text or email. Any unclaimed lost property in a good condition will be sold for a minimal amount.

Any parents experiencing difficulties in providing uniform are advised to contact the family workers for a confidential discussion. Uniform can be provided in exceptional circumstances.

Additionally, uniform can be purchased from ‘Level Trust Uniform Exchange’ shop based in the Mall, Luton. Further details can be found here https://www.leveltrust.org/blog/uniform-exchange-open-to-luton-families/

School Uniform Policy


Hillborough Junior School
Hillborough Road, Luton, LU1 5EZ 

Tel: 01582 613331

Website created by Paul Williams

© 2023 Hillborough Junior School. All Rights Reserved.