• 01582 613331




Contact between home and school is an important part of your child's education. We are always pleased to discuss problems relating to your children. The Headteacher will always try to be available, especially if the matter is urgent, but please telephone the office to make an appointment before coming in to school. In the absence of the Headteacher, the Strategic Leadership Team or Family Worker will deal with any matter giving cause for concern. Please remember that although we welcome visitors to the school, parents should only enter school via the main entrance and report to the office.



Please can we remind parents to be extremely careful when dropping off their children as there are lots of cars and pedestrians around. Please encourage your children to walk on the path and not in the driveway when you pick them up and drop them off as this can be very dangerous. The children have also been reminded of this in school and that they should dismount scooters and bicycles at the school gates and walk on the path with them when entering the school grounds. We are trying to actively encourage the children to walk to school where possible so if you are able to let your child walk some of the way then this will be very beneficial in terms of health and exercise, as well as hopefully reducing the congestion outside the school. Thank you, as always, for your support.



Our first priority is your child's welfare and therefore there may be occasions when our concern about your child means that we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you. The procedures we follow have been laid down by Luton Borough Council. If you wish to know more about this procedure, please speak to the Headteacher.



Formal parent evenings are held twice a year. In July a written report is sent home. If you wish to discuss any of the report with the class teacher there is a slip at the end of the report that you can return and then an appointment will be made to see the teacher.



Homework is part of the school and parent partnership. Children are expected to develop good habits of independent study at home. Homework is set on a regular basis for all children and should complement or extend classroom learning. The homework is based on work covered during the week but sometimes children will be asked to find out information at the beginning of a topic.

Hillborough Junior School
Hillborough Road, Luton, LU1 5EZ 

Tel: 01582 613331

Website created by Paul Williams

© 2023 Hillborough Junior School. All Rights Reserved.