At Hillborough Junior School we have a Healthy Eating policy that recognises that good nutrition is essential if our pupils are to achieve their full potential in life. We will help pupils to develop a positive attitude to healthier eating through the curriculum, food provision and links with families and the community.
School Meals
We are excited to announce that we will be implementing a new software called SchoolGrid for the ordering and payment of your child's school meals, starting from 15th of April 2024.
With SchoolGrid, you can easily order and pay for your child's meals with just a few clicks. To get started, SchoolGrid have sent you a welcome email with instructions on how to activate your account and create your password. Please note that in order for your account to be created, we will be sharing your information with SchoolGrid. You can view SchoolGrid’s Privacy Policy on the following link:
We hope that you find SchoolGrid easy to use and convenient for ordering and paying for your child's school meals. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
The kitchen offers a range of healthy meals to choose from. View the school menu here.
Click on logo above to pay for school meals
You can order on a daily, weekly, monthly or even termly basis. The system will allow you to place as many orders in advance as you like, up to the point the menu has been opened for. You can also make a same-day order up to 8:55am.
Please remember to cancel your order if your child will not be having the meal at lunchtime, otherwise you will still be charged. This also helps cut down on food wastage.
These are supplied to children whose parents are in receipt of Income Support or Job-Seekers Allowance. Applications should be made to Revenue and Benefits at Luton Borough Council on 01582 510346 or . For more details on free school meals and to apply online, visit the Luton Borough Council website.
Free school meals will be provided by the kitchens and if your child attends a trip a packed lunch will be provided for them by the kitchen. If you would like assistance applying for Free School Meals, please contact our family workers who will be happy to talk to you about it.

If you wish, your child may bring a packed lunch to school. Water is available for children to have with their lunch. Packed lunches should include healthy items such as a sandwich, salad, fruit, yoghurt and can also include crisps as part of a balanced diet. No fizzy drinks are allowed.
We have a healthy tuck shop at morning break. Children are allowed to bring in a snack from home for break times however these should only be fresh fruit or vegetables. They should not have chocolate, sweets or crisps.