Pupils arrive at Hillborough Junior School in Year 3 having completed a range of KS1 assessments including:
- Phonics Screening check for Year 2 pupils
- English reading
- English grammar, punctuation and spelling
- Mathematics
The results of these assessments support teachers in identifying pupils working below, at or above the age-related expectation. This judgement, along with our own ‘Baseline’ assessment tests (sat in the early autumn term) are used to guide junior school staff in identifying a starting point from which progress can be measured.
All new pupils are assessed soon after arriving and the results attained are used alongside assessments forwarded by their previous schools to identify at what point they are at on their learning journey.
During their time at the junior school, pupils will be formally assessed periodically and informally assessed regularly, to identify gaps in knowledge and understanding and to support judgements on progress (see the attached ‘Assessment Cycle’).
During the summer term in Year 4 pupils will sit an online Multiplication tables test.
At the end of Year 6, pupils will sit ‘End of Key Stage 2 Assessments’ - commonly referred to as SATs. These will take the form of externally marked:
- English Reading Test (1 paper)
- English grammar, punctuation and spelling (2 papers)
- Mathematics Reasoning Test (2 papers)
- Mathematics Arithmetic (1 paper)
In addition to this, pupils will be teacher assessed for their writing. Teacher assessments are periodically moderated by the Local Authority.
Whilst considering our approach to assessment we have given due consideration to the principles below:
Principles for Assessment
NAHT – For Leaders, For Learners Underpinning Principles for Assessment |
P1. Assessment is at the heart of teaching and learning.
P2. Assessment is fair.
P3. Assessment is honest.
P4. Assessment is ambitious.
P5. Assessment is appropriate.
P6. Assessment is consistent.
P7. Assessment outcomes provide meaningful and understandable information for:
P8. Assessment feedback should inspire greater effort and a belief that, through hard work and practice, more can be achieved. |